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Saturday, August 16, 2008

ESPN's Matt Mosley is all the raves

ESPN view on who is having a good camp:
Kevin Boss "love the way he looks"
Justin Tuck "dynamic"
Kevin Butler "Steady Eddie"
Kenny Phillips "phenomenal camp"
Domenik Hixon "outstanding camp"
Terrell Thomas "raving about him"
Wallace Gilberry "everyone ...raves"
Mathias Kiwanuka "oustanding"

After the first few gushes I began to get a little jaded, then a few more and I realized how insane this article sounded. Is there anyone here NOT going to the Pro Bowl?!!! The part I do not understand is how everyone is raving about Wallace Gilberry, everyone is talking about how well Tollefson and a trimmer Cofield are doing, and then Reese comes along and says he is disappointed in the lack of depth at .. Defensive Line! So the pieces of the puzzle do not add up. For now we'll take the sanity of Reese.


Daniel said...

I had an idea while watching the Jets/Redskins game, and I was wondering what you thought of it.

Most injuries seem to happen during kickoffs or punts. Obviously, all teams have to kick the ball off, but why don't teams just go for it on 4th downs during the preseason instead of punting? It would give teams a chance to practice various 4th down plays in many different situations, and it avoids injuries that are sure to happen from punts.

Is this a reasonable idea? Or do I sound like an idiot?

Andy F. said...

Teams need the specials work too (since they are mostly occupied by rookies and second year players who need to be vetted for making the team or not). This may sound cold and ruthless, but it is Darwinian: the player who gets injured for you is going to get injured for you again, so you might as well filter those players out, especially the bubble players. This was why I went nuts when I saw Bradshaw back on punts. He is (imo) the best RB we have, and we are going to risk a Sehorn on him? This is the other extreme end of the pendulum where I do agree with you... the exception has to be not putting a critical player in that situation for you.

Summary- you need the specials work, but avoid putting critical players in harm's way.

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